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In this article, you will discover how to access the PriceHubble platform and understand its different sections.
Warning: For users of a CRM interfaced with PriceHubble, you must not access PriceHubble via the URL indicated below, but only from your CRM. Please disregard the first part of this tutorial.
Table of Content
1. Accessing the platform
When subscribing to the PriceHubble service, the user is sent a username and password.
Step 1:
Go to
Step 2:
From the Login page, enter the Username and Password in the appropriate fields.
If necessary, tick the Show password box to make it easier to read. -
Step 3:
Click on the Log in button.
This takes you to the platform's home page.
2. Presentation of the home page
The PriceHubble home page is made up of 3 parts:
- The banner of the products to which you have subscribed at the top of the page
- The list of properties on the left-hand side
- The dynamic map on the right-hand side
The following items are available at the top right of the page:
- The language of the tool, which can be changed at any time for greater reading comfort, from the drop-down list.
Access to support
- User profile
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